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Matthew G. Stanard The leopard, the lion, and the cock
colonial memories and monuments in Belgium
The degree to which the late colonial era affected Europe has been long underappreciated, and only recently have European countries started to acknowledge not having come to terms with decolonisation. In Belgium, the past two decades have witnessed a growing awareness of the controversial episodes in the country's colonial past. This volume examines the long-term effects and legacies of the colonial era on Belgium after 1960, the year the Congo gained its independence, and calls into question memories...
Engels | PDF, 6 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Jane C. Judge The United States of Belgium
the story of the first Belgian revolution
New and comprehensive insights into the seminal events that shaped Belgian identity In 1790, between the birth of America (1776) and the creation of the French National Assembly (1789), nine provinces nestled between the French and Dutch borders declared themselves a new free and independent country: the United States of Belgium. Before then, the provinces had been part of the vast Austrian Habsburg Empire ruled by Joseph II. In 1789 revolutionaries from Brussels to Ghent to Namur recruited a grass-roots...
Engels | PDF, 9,3 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
J. Smit The little history of the Netherlands for dummies®
Overzicht van de Nederlandse geschiedenis van de prehistorie tot koning Willem-Alexander.
Engels | ePub2, 0,8 MB | Voor Dummies, Amersfoort | 2017
Herman Van der Wee | Monique Verbreyt A small nation in the turmoil of the Second World War
money, finance and occupation (Belgium, its enemies, its friends, 1939-1945)
Based on intensive research in the archives of six countries, this monograph presents an in-depth analysis of Belgium's monetary and financial history during the Second World War. Exploring Belgium's financial and business links with Germany, France, The Netherlands, Great Britain, the United States, and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the study focuses on the roles played in this complex wartime network by the Central Bank and private bankers in Brussels, by the Belgian government in exile in London,...
Engels | 494 pagina's (PDF, 5,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2013
Commissie Ontwikkeling Nederlandse Canon A key to Dutch history
report by the Committee for the Development of the Dutch Canon
Many people know the stories behind the tulip mania in the 17th century and the legacy of the Dutch East India Company, but what basic knowledge of Dutch history and culture should be passed on to future generations? A Key to Dutch History and its resulting overview of historical highlights, assembled by a number of specialists in consultation with the Dutch general public, provides a thought-provoking and timely answer. The democratic process behind the volume is reminiscent of the way in which...
Engels | 228 pagina's (ePub2, 14 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2011
Koninklijke Bibliotheek De gekaapte kaper
brieven en scheepspapieren uit de Europese handelsvaart
Historische artikelen naar aanleiding van Nederlandse scheepspapieren en zakenbrieven uit de zeventiende, achttiende en negentiende eeuw, die als oorlogsbuit in Britse archieven belandden.
Nederlands | Engels | 142 pagina's | Walburg Pers, Zutphen | 2011
Gedrukt boek
Instructions for American servicemen in Dutch Indonesia during World War II
Engels | 77 pagina's | Elsevier Boeken, Amsterdam | 2013
Gedrukt boek
D.V. Coornhert Synod on the freedom of conscience
a thorough examination during the gathering held in the year 1582 in the City of Freetown
Engels | 240 pagina's | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2008
Gedrukt boek
History of neurology in the Netherlands
Engels | 408 pagina's | Boom, Amsterdam | 2002
Gedrukt boek