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Robertha Huitema Van Dale Dutch grammar
a step-by-step approach to grammar for learners of Dutch
Compleet overzicht van de grammatica van de Nederlandse taal, uitgelegd in het Engels.
Engels | 230 pagina's | Van Dale Uitgevers, Utrecht | 2017
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Bernice Muntz High five with your rabbit
caring, training, playing
HIGH FIVE WITH YOUR RABBIT: caring, training, playing. The E-pub ´High Five with your rabbit´ is a unique book for anyone who has a rabbit. More often than not, rabbits are confined to a small space and have a relatively boring existence. This does not have to be the case! In ´High Five with your rabbit´ you learn about the kind of care your rabbit needs and how both you and your rabbit can have a more rewarding experience together. Read about: Developing ties with you rabbit Enjoying and playing...
Engels | 266 pagina's (ePub2, 8 MB) | Animal Academy, Leidschendam | 2022
S. Bais The equations
icons of knowledge
Ook verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands onder 9789053567142 Een bijzonder vormgegeven boek waarin de meest fundamentele natuurwetten op een toegankelijke wijze worden weergegeven. Al duizenden jaren probeert de mens de natuur te doorgronden. Met steeds vernuftigere instrumenten zijn we in staat geweest om enkele van de grootste raadsels om ons heen te ontrafelen. Onder een overweldigende berg feiten hebben we een aantal fundamentele natuurwetten ontdekt, die de structuur en evolutie van de fysische werkelijkheid...
Engels | 96 pagina's (ePub2, 1,2 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2011
Ewald Roodenrijs TMap NEXT testing clouds
TMap NEXT® Testing Clouds is different from its TMap predecessors. Whereas the books in the TMap series are handbooks with step-by-step information, this book is an innovation, about testing clouds for the early adopter. It describes the cloud business model for testing, Business Technology and steps we took in cloud projects. The Cloud is still at an early stage, but the growth of cloud-based computing is outstripping even the most optimistic predictions. Its early 2011 and almost all forecasts...
Engels | 160 pagina's (ePub2, 7,3 MB) | Kleine Uil, Vianen ut | 2011
Greg Houwer Into the white
Kafka and his metamorphoses
Into the White lays bare a hidden overall logic in Kafka's work. Instead of restoring an initial but perturbed balance - the standard pattern for a piece of fiction -, Kafka's characters always do the opposite: they do everything they can to maintain the imbalance. The book shows how this should be linked to Kafka's own attitude as a writer. Writing, for Kafka, always gave birth to promises that could not be kept. It opens up gates that the writer is not allowed to enter. In the stories that deal...
Engels | ePub, 0,3 MB | Acco, Leuven | 2011
The secrets of women in Middle Dutch
a bilingual edition of Der vrouwen heimelijcheit in Ghent University Library Ms 444
A poet, head over heels in love with a charming lady, writes a book at her request on intimate matters concerning women. It is a delicate undertaking, not only because it is a relatively unknown subject for him, but also because he does not want her to be angry with him when she reads about these highly personal matters. This is how Der vrouwen heimelijcheit [The Secrets of Women] begins. An intriguing characteristic of this fifteenth-century text is the way in which the author has alternated scientific...
Fictie | Non-fictie
Engels | Middelnederlands (ca.1050-1350) | 165 pagina's | Verloren, Hilversum | 2011
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J.P. Gumbert Illustrated inventory of medieval manuscripts in Latin script in the Netherlands
Engels | 233 pagina's | Verloren, Hilversum | 2011
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Concorde Group Maps in books of Russia and Poland
published in the Netherlands to 1800
Engels | 724 pagina's | Hes & De Graaf, Houten | 2011
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